Life lessons: Prema.

Journalist Bibi Timmerman started writing down life lessons of the people she met while taking her campervan on the road in Europe for 2 months. Realising that actual wisdom can be found in the everyday person you meet on the street, she asked people: what is your biggest life lesson? This time: Prema!

“I’m so happy, I think I’m the happiest person I know,’ said Prema (65) at the opening of the meditation and yogaretreat I attend in the mountains of the north of Italy. Prema is the program manager and the wise chief of the retreat centre. While I want to take a picture of her, she says: “Can we do that another time? I don't’ look great at this moment.” I say yes, but after a hesitation she changes her mind. She looks away for a moment and says: “Actually, just do it now. Who cares?” There is no turning back and she insists that I take the picture now, while I ask my only question: “What is your biggest life lesson?”

“My biggest life lesson? With 100% certainty the chronic disease I have; a tumor in my spine that I suffered from for the last 15 years now, with intense pain for the last 5 years. And precisely that is what has made me so happy. Because of the pain I have to choose every day, every moment in my life whether I want to give energy to this pain. Paying attention to the pain that never leaves me and is with me 24 hours a day, or choosing to feel the joy that I found within myself. And yes, I choose the latter over and over again. The chronic illness has made me realize that I really need to enjoy every moment and experience compassion for myself; loving compassion. This allows me to share that with others.’’

‘’I used to wake up really happy every day, with such a big smile on my face. And then suddenly there was pain, a lot of pain, and surgeries and other difficult situations that I had to go through. And even worse after a while: my smile was gone. It was a very dark time for about 2 years. One morning I asked myself, 'Prema, what are you doing? You are really wasting your time this way!’ And then there was that one click. I started waking up happy again and I was overjoyed with that. I was happy again because I realized: I can choose. I can choose to not focus on the pain, but on the inner peace I also feel inside. Every day since then I chose to be happy and experience joy. Even when the pain still there 24/7.’’

Suddenly there was pain, a lot of pain, and surgeries and other difficult situations that I had to go through. After some time I woke up with a smile again. I realized: I can choose between pain or happiness.
— Prema

‘’The joy and happiness that I am talking about does not stem from external factors. It comes from within; it's our essential nature. Because that joy and happiness, that's me. It is a source of light that I have inside me, that everybody has inside them. The pain is still there - even now as I talk to you - but I don't give it any attention or energy. I don't give it the power  to take over my life, it's just there like all my other feelings. Since I discovered this, I realize I have the power to choose to be happy every day.

Bibi Timmerman

Bibi Timmerman is a journalist with a focus on mental health, wellbeing and living a concious and sustainable life. She is on a mission to inspire people to be more vulnerable and open about the things the feel and think. Her current interest is trying to understand the relationship between spirituality and sustainability.


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